What are the advantages of sunrise refractory chrome corundum brick?
Thermal shock stability of chrome corundum brick. According to the data, Cr2O3 is added to corundum. When the content of Cr2O3 is 10%~66%, the thermal shock stability of the material decreases with the increase of Cr2O3 content. The chrome...
Advantages of Sunrise refractory chrome corundum brick for sales
Zhengzhou sintered chrome corundum brick factory direct sales
Sunrise Zirconium Corundum Brick Hot Sale all Over the World
SunriseZirconiumcorundumbrickisarefractorybrickmadeofindustrialaluminaandzirconsand.Accordingtothemanufacturingprocess,zirconiumcorundumbrickscanbedividedintotwotypes:fusedzirconiumcorundumbricksandsinteredzirconiumcorundumbricks. Electrofus...
Cheap Corundum Brick For Sale In Sunrise Factory-Low Cost
Hot Sale Corundum Bricks All Over the World
Sunrise refractory corundum brick for sales is a kind of aluminum silicate refractory products with corundum to be main crystal phase. Our corundum bricks have excellent high temperature mechanical behavior which also can stand corrosion an...
Corundum Bricks in Sunrise Refractory With Lower Price
CorundumBrickincludestwotypesofSinteredCorundumBrickandFusedCastCorundumBrick. SinteredCorundumBrickadoptssinteredaluminaastherawmaterialthroughsinteringprocess. FusedCastAZSBrickcanbemadeoffusedaluminaastherawmaterialthroughprocessmethodofs...
Sunrise Refractory Corundum Mullite With Competitive Price
Chrome corundum bricks sold by sunrise refractory
The main mineral composition of chrome corundum brick is -Al2O3-Cr2O3 solid solution. The secondary mineral consists of a small amount of composite spinel (or no composite spinel) and a refractory brick with a chromium oxide content of 1% to...