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The advantages of Chrome Corundum Brick

Date:2016-07-29 02:00 From:Zhengzhou Sunrise Refractory Author:admin
Chrome corundum brick is alumina - chrome oxide as the main raw material production of high-performance chrome corundum brick, has the characteristics of high

refractoriness, great strength, good thermal shock stability, strong ability to resist erosion. In use, the scouring resistance, wear resistance, resistance to flake structure, has been

in metallurgy, glass, carbon black and the petrochemical industry, has obtained the good using effect. Chromium corundum brick raw material is used by the ratio of alumina and

chromium oxide according to certain proportion, go through high temperature melting synthesis of a solid solution. To use special refractory production technology made of

refractory brick, can improve internal quality of the product, improve the high temperature performance of products.

1. The refractory properties of chrome corundum brick

In high purity corundum material add Cr2O3,  no matter how much the amount, not only will not reduce the fire performance of materials,can make refractory performance of

material improved.

2. The strength of chrome corundum brick

Compressive strength of high purity corundum brick at room temperature is 70 ~ 100 MPa commonly, room temperature compressive strength of high performance chromium

corundum brick is generally larger 150 MPa, the intensity is significantly higher than the corundum brick. This is because the products in the process of burning, between particles

and fine powder, between powder and powder are formed Al2O3 - Cr2O3 solid solution, calcium solid solution like bridge connect fine powder with particles together, make the

strength of the material is greatly increased.

3. Thermal shock resistance

Add Cr2O3 in corundum, when Cr2O3 content is 10% ~ 66%, material of thermal shock resistance decreased with increasing content of Cr2O3, namely the Cr2O3 content low

chrome corundum brick, the thermal shock stability is better than Cr2O3 content high chrome corundum brick.

4. Application

For use in the iron and steel industry, chrome corundum brick material is above double longer than service life extended of corundum material, such as ladle air brick, etc. For

use in nonferrous smelting industry, the wear resistance and erosion resistance of chrome corundum brick  is superior to other bricks.

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